hello to all so this is the picture for halloween
didnt take much picture of it as it is too dark
over at USS and our camera is our phone
so is blurry please understand hahahs.
okay the haunted house is like super scary
i was shocked and scared + their costume
was super scary and looked real.
hs jy jx was shocked they start screaming
and shocked me than i start to scream too
hahhahas. we went to the roller coaster too
we was scare and our heart nearly dropped.
after that we walk around and took picture
but some picture is inside their phone so if
you want to view it go to my facebook to
check it out. lai pa pa actually want to take
cab and bring us to our supper but the queue
was crazy so we took night rider to amk
for about 1 hour plus lai pa pa meet his
friend and he drove us to eat zi char after that
he drove us back home. after that day i been
feeling sick til now not fully recover. yup
so blog til here!((: