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8 Jun 2013

well im here again its been quite sometimes since im updating this little space.
i have to say i really change a lot change to a person who is really very direct
telling people off and so on without consent of their feeling. well im doing this
partly because of my work scolding and telling off those workers im sorry
if i have ever hurt you. im really tired of everything in scolding and talking back
to them and being thick skin people telling me off too. but cant they just see
im working on a 2 person job and they asked me to help them in the projects
are they blind? or their eyes are covered with shit?? i cant even get to breath and
they asked me to help them. i have so many documentation for my own work
and i cant even finish yet they ask.stupid or what? im a technician and im not
suppose to take up so many things doing documentation and all i did rather
go on side really no joke. this post is just about ranting k nights peepos.

~ { Saturday, June 08, 2013 }
reflections of you and me;

20 Jan 2013

1st post of 2013
Time checked 1.44am its been long since i updated this little space of mine well i guess nobody has been to here to read my post. But i will update as its part of my memories. 1st of all HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013! and yeah of cause CNY is round the corner take care of your heath and dont eat too much junk food al-right? time files and its 2013 which means im a year older now which means im 22 years old. This year cant turn back the clock in fact we cant turn back the clock but just got to walk alone towards the future. My resolution for 2013 get a car license save lots of $$ so that i can further my studies. For those who have look me no up i will definitely look you no up no down. Cause they doesn't know what the feeling is like. i might not talk with sarcasm with you that doesn't mean i don't feel anything im a human i too have feeling so are you.


~ { Sunday, January 20, 2013 }
reflections of you and me;

17 Nov 2012

YO! WHAT'S UP EVERYBODY? WOOTS XMAS is coming and not to forget my birthday is arriving in before xmas^^ Have not been in a good mood recently thinking about whether will she wish me for my birthday as she did not last year but that is a possibility that she won't know why? because she deleted me from facebook well it doesn't matter KLT you can overcome this don't you? you won't be defeated so easily. sometimes in life is difficult to make decision the path that im taking now i really feel like giving up seeing other people having higher education than me and  when we go out in big group i totally catch no balls of what they are talking about and always i will just keep quiet and pretending to use phone and all. i can tell you this feeling is totally sucks but what to do? i only can move forward if only i can go back i did really mug then doing all those stupid things making teachers giving up on me and so on. adults life are way too difficult to handle how i wish i can study and be young once more and i would really work hard and achieve a good result. right now frankly speaking i don't even know what i want. sometimes the things you wanted this way turns out to be another and you have to try very hard Swallowing down and accepting everything when you have no other choice isn't it?  

~ { Saturday, November 17, 2012 }
reflections of you and me;

21 Oct 2012

Hello peepos! is sunday and yeah kind of cranky cause tomorrow work again. But well im really looking forward to Dec i really hope all the friends i invited would turn up as this is the 1st time im inviting people to celebrate with me. heehee yeah im not rich but a mini BBQ celebration will do na. Gonna thanks sis for helping to plans and organise as im really a lousy organiser as you know Dec are full of events for those who celebrate christmas and all. really hope you guys will confirm with me real soon as my cake is customize need to order 1 month in advance due to the festive season. see you guys CHEEERS!!

~ { Sunday, October 21, 2012 }
reflections of you and me;

11 Jul 2012

Back from work.
Yo! Hows everybody? 7 more days marks my 1 month working in SSPL the past few weeks was great I learn lots of things and getting along with my colleague. And know what? My boss is a girl I mean like you will seldom see girl being a boss in shipyard. Okay I was lucky because my department only have 4 girls including me and my boss. Everybody treats and dotes me. Heehee. Lucky me cause im like the youngest in the department and what's more I'm a girl . But I really want to salute my boss for working so long in the company and being a lady boss. Hahhas but still they are hiring all the new grats like from uni etc I feel so inferior talking I them like I'm only from ITE and they ask lots of question that I can't answer but well just Ali ba ba with them can already. All I need is you treat me good I will treat you good too. Hahahs ya signing off^^

~ { Wednesday, July 11, 2012 }
reflections of you and me;

17 Jun 2012

Tomorrow start work!
Yesterday went east coast park with my close friends to celebrate hs advance birthday hahahs well I never wish her because it's not her actual so ya. And dinner at bedok must really thanks hs because i told her that my grandma never eat for 3 days and she overdose her medicine sometimes and ya so she say eat at bedok so that I can buy food for grandma hahahs thanks a lot sister!^^ okay starting work tomorrow don't know wether can I wake up on time but I hope my 1st dy will be a good one. ^^ shall sleep early tonight's !

~ { Sunday, June 17, 2012 }
reflections of you and me;

13 Jun 2012

No body would understand!
Recently i have been out with 2 pairs of couples hmm.. Or should I say I am a lightbulb? Well is so awkward being out with them and ya memories flash back. But no one would understand how's the feeling of me being with them and well they would randomly ask question about her sometimes I seriously hate answering those question that got to do with the person but still they ask and they wanted me to forget about her they say they did rather I run away from the problem. I admit sometimes i would talk about her but well.... One of them asked a question which is ...... And when i answer the question she sort of giving me a black/weird face But how am i going to forget? With the randomly asked question? Seems like they dont really know me excerpt myself and of cause I know myself better than everyone else. Maybe I should go missing in action. And concentrate on my work a cold blooded workholic. Everyday life work work and work only. No friends outing no gathering no birthday party no chilling out.

~ { Wednesday, June 13, 2012 }
reflections of you and me;